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MSTICpy includes a CrowdSec Threat Intelligence Provider. It can be used to enrich your IP IOCs with CrowdSec's smoke CTI. You can learn more about MSTICpy here.


Adding CrowdSec as TIProvider

In your msticpyconfig.yaml file, add the following:

AuthKey: <your_api_key>
Provider: "CrowdSec"

Make sure to replace <your_api_key> with your API key for CrowdSec CTI API. You can learn more about getting your API key here.

You can uncomment the Primary line if you want to use CrowdSec as your primary TIProvider, for enriching IOCs of ipv4 and ipv6 types.

Example Jupyter Notebooks Usage

This assumes you've already installed MSTICpy and have a Jupyter Notebook running.

Using the TIProvider

You can use the following code block to enrich multiple IP addresses using CrowdSec's TIProvider and browse the results. Make sure to replace the IPs with what you want to lookup.

import msticpy as mp
ti_lookup = mp.TILookup()
ips = ["ip1", "ip2"] # replace the IPs with what you want to lookup
result = ti_lookup.lookup_iocs(ips, providers=["CrowdSec"])
results_df = ti_lookup.result_to_df(result)

Example Output

Example Azure Sentinel Notebook Usage

To use notebooks in Microsoft Sentinel, make sure that you have the required permissions. For more information, see Manage access to Microsoft Sentinel notebooks.

Make sure your msticpyconfig.yaml file is configured to access the Azure Sentinnel Workspace.

In this example, we'll lookup IP IOCs from Azure Sentinel in CrowdSec CTI using the CrowdSec's TIProvider.

import msticpy as mp
from import MicrosoftSentinel

sentinel = MicrosoftSentinel()

ips_to_lookup = []
indicators = sentinel.query_indicators(patternTypes=["ipv4-addr"])
for indicator in indicators.get("properties.parsedPattern"):
for patternTypeValue in indicator[0]["patternTypeValues"]:

ti_lookup = mp.TILookup()
result = ti_lookup.lookup_iocs(ips_to_lookup, providers=["CrowdSec"])
results_df = ti_lookup.result_to_df(result)

Example Output