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Remediation Components


You may see Remediation Components referred to as "bouncers" in the documentation and/or within cscli commands.


Remediation Components are software packages in charge of acting upon decisions provided by the Security Engine. Depending on where you would like to remediate the decision, you will need to install the appropriate Remediation Component.


Don't know which component suits your needs? Then join our discord and ask the community!

  • nginx will check requester IP against the local API before granting or denying access.
  • firewall will add IPs to nftables/ipset set.
  • cloudflare will add IPs to the Cloudflare firewall.
  • blocklist will serve the blocklist to a appliance such as pfsense, fortinet, untangle via a http server.

The above is not an exhaustive list of remediation components, you can find more on the hub.

Remediation Components interact with crowdsec's Local API to retrieve active decisions and remediate appropriately.

For your remediation components to communicate with the local API, you have to generate an API token with cscli and put it in the associated configuration file:

sudo cscli bouncers add testBouncer
Api key for 'testBouncer':


Please keep this key since you will not be able to retrieve it!

This command must be run on the server where the local API is installed (or at least with a cscli that has valid credentials to communicate with the database used by the API). This is only necessary if you "manually" install a remediation, packages and install scripts usually take care of this.

If you wish to create your own Remediation Component, look at this section of the local API documentation.