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CrowdSec supports notification plugins, which allows alerts to pushed to third party services for alerting or integration purposes.

Plugins are defined and used at the LAPI level, so if you are running a multi-server setup, you will configure the plugins on the server that is receiving the alerts. If you are not running a multi-server setup, you will configure the plugins on the same server as the main CrowdSec process.


By default all plugins are shipped with CrowdSec are within the install package, and can trivially be enabled without further need to install additional packages.

Refer directly to each plugin's dedicated documentation and keep in mind that plugins needs to be enabled/dispatched at the profile level via the dedicated notifications section (defaults to /etc/crowdsec/

Plugin binaries are present in config_paths.plugin_dir (defaults to /var/lib/crowdsec/plugins/), and their individual configuration are present in config_paths.notification_dir (defaults to /etc/crowdsec/notifications/)


CrowdSec rejects the plugins binaries if one of the following is true :

  1. plugin is not owned by the root user and root group.
  2. plugin is world-writable.

Environment variables

It is possible to set configuration values based on environment variables.

For example, if you don't want to store your SMTP host password in the configuration file, you can do this:

smtp_password: ${SMTP_PASSWORD}
smtp_port: 587
auth_type: login
sender_name: "CrowdSec"
email_subject: "CrowdSec Notification"

Registering plugin to profile

After discovering the plugins, CrowdSec registers the plugins to the profiles. Here's a profile which sends alerts to plugin named slackreport.

name: default_ip_remediation
#debug: true
- Alert.Remediation == true && Alert.GetScope() == "Ip"
- type: ban
duration: 4h
on_success: break
- slackreport

Note: In this case CrowdSec will map the plugin slackreport to the plugin config which has name=slackreport. See next section for more details.

Notification plugin configuration:

Following fields are provided to all notification plugins and not specific to any plugin.


type :

Required. Type of plugin, eg "slack"

name :

Required. Name of this config eg "slackreport". This should match with registered name in profile.

format :

Required. go template, which is fed a list of Alert objects. The go templates provide additional directives provide by sprig . eg "Received {{.len}} alerts"

group_wait :

Optional. duration to wait collecting alerts before sending to this plugin, eg "30s"

group_threshold :

Optional. if alerts exceed this, then the plugin will be sent the message. eg "10"

max_retry :

Optional. the number of tries to attempt to send message to plugins in case of error.

timeout :

Optional. duration to wait for a response from the plugin before considering this attempt a failure. eg "10s"

You can define other plugin specific fields too. eg webhook field for a slack plugin.

Dispatching configuration:

CrowdSec main process feeds the configuration files to the plugins via gRPC. It determines where to send the config via the value of type field in config file.

Architecture and technical considerations


Under the hood, the main CrowdSec process dispatches the plugins as gRPC services. This means that plugins can be written in any language.

Currently only notification plugins are supported. Whenever CrowdSec receives any alert and if this alert satisfies the owner profile, then the same alert will be dispatched to such plugin.

See the gRPC protocol for notification plugins.

In the following sections we use /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml for configuration file paths. However depending on your platform the paths can be interchanged with the following:

  • Linux /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml
  • FreeBSD /usr/local/etc/crowdsec/config.yaml
  • Windows C:\ProgramData\CrowdSec\config\config.yaml

Plugin Discovery

Plugins are discovered from the directories specified in /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml.

notification_dir: /etc/crowdsec/notifications/
plugin_dir: /var/lib/crowdsec/plugins/

Plugin Process Owner

Due to security reasons, plugins process are operated under a user with limited privileges. This is done by setting owner and group of the plugin process as some unprivileged user. This can be configured via setting the desired user and group in /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml.

user: nobody
group: nogroup

Depending on your distribution or platform these values may change to nobody or nogroup. If you wish to update these values, please ensure that the user and group exist on your system.

Alert object

You have access to the list of alerts that triggered the notification when writing the go-template in the format parameter.

An alert is defined as follow:

type Alert struct {
Capacity *int32 `json:"capacity"`
CreatedAt string `json:"created_at,omitempty"`
Decisions []*Decision `json:"decisions"`
Events []*Event `json:"events"`
EventsCount *int32 `json:"events_count"`
ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"`
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Leakspeed *string `json:"leakspeed"`
MachineID string `json:"machine_id,omitempty"`
Message *string `json:"message"`
Meta Meta `json:"meta,omitempty"`
Remediation bool `json:"remediation,omitempty"`
Scenario *string `json:"scenario"`
ScenarioHash *string `json:"scenario_hash"`
ScenarioVersion *string `json:"scenario_version"`
Simulated *bool `json:"simulated"`
Source *Source `json:"source"`
StartAt *string `json:"start_at"`
StopAt *string `json:"stop_at"`

Here is a full example of an Alert object list available in the go-template (this example was generated by a SSH bruteforce).

Note that this was generated using the toJson sprig function, so field names are a bit different from the actual names in the go object.

To use them in a go-template, you can check here to get the actual field names.

Show the full alert object
"capacity": 5,
"decisions": [
"duration": "4h",
"origin": "crowdsec",
"scenario": "crowdsecurity/ssh-bf",
"scope": "Ip",
"type": "ban",
"value": ""
"events": [
"meta": [
"key": "ASNNumber",
"value": "15169"
"key": "ASNOrg",
"value": "Google LLC"
"key": "IsInEU",
"value": "false"
"key": "IsoCode",
"value": "US"
"key": "SourceRange",
"value": ""
"key": "datasource_path",
"value": "ssh-bf.log"
"key": "datasource_type",
"value": "file"
"key": "log_type",
"value": "ssh_failed-auth"
"key": "machine",
"value": "sd-126005"
"key": "service",
"value": "ssh"
"key": "source_ip",
"value": ""
"key": "target_user",
"value": "pascal"
"key": "timestamp",
"value": "2022-02-12T14:10:21Z"
"timestamp": "2022-02-12T14:10:23Z"
"meta": [
"key": "ASNNumber",
"value": "15169"
"key": "ASNOrg",
"value": "Google LLC"
"key": "IsInEU",
"value": "false"
"key": "IsoCode",
"value": "US"
"key": "SourceRange",
"value": ""
"key": "datasource_path",
"value": "ssh-bf.log"
"key": "datasource_type",
"value": "file"
"key": "log_type",
"value": "ssh_failed-auth"
"key": "machine",
"value": "sd-126005"
"key": "service",
"value": "ssh"
"key": "source_ip",
"value": ""
"key": "target_user",
"value": "pascal1"
"key": "timestamp",
"value": "2022-02-12T14:10:21Z"
"timestamp": "2022-02-12T14:10:23Z"
"meta": [
"key": "ASNNumber",
"value": "15169"
"key": "ASNOrg",
"value": "Google LLC"
"key": "IsInEU",
"value": "false"
"key": "IsoCode",
"value": "US"
"key": "SourceRange",
"value": ""
"key": "datasource_path",
"value": "ssh-bf.log"
"key": "datasource_type",
"value": "file"
"key": "log_type",
"value": "ssh_failed-auth"
"key": "machine",
"value": "sd-126005"
"key": "service",
"value": "ssh"
"key": "source_ip",
"value": ""
"key": "target_user",
"value": "pascal2"
"key": "timestamp",
"value": "2022-02-12T14:10:22Z"
"timestamp": "2022-02-12T14:10:23Z"
"meta": [
"key": "ASNNumber",
"value": "15169"
"key": "ASNOrg",
"value": "Google LLC"
"key": "IsInEU",
"value": "false"
"key": "IsoCode",
"value": "US"
"key": "SourceRange",
"value": ""
"key": "datasource_path",
"value": "ssh-bf.log"
"key": "datasource_type",
"value": "file"
"key": "log_type",
"value": "ssh_failed-auth"
"key": "machine",
"value": "sd-126005"
"key": "service",
"value": "ssh"
"key": "source_ip",
"value": ""
"key": "target_user",
"value": "pascal3"
"key": "timestamp",
"value": "2022-02-12T14:10:22Z"
"timestamp": "2022-02-12T14:10:23Z"
"meta": [
"key": "ASNNumber",
"value": "15169"
"key": "ASNOrg",
"value": "Google LLC"
"key": "IsInEU",
"value": "false"
"key": "IsoCode",
"value": "US"
"key": "SourceRange",
"value": ""
"key": "datasource_path",
"value": "ssh-bf.log"
"key": "datasource_type",
"value": "file"
"key": "log_type",
"value": "ssh_failed-auth"
"key": "machine",
"value": "sd-126005"
"key": "service",
"value": "ssh"
"key": "source_ip",
"value": ""
"key": "target_user",
"value": "pascal4"
"key": "timestamp",
"value": "2022-02-12T14:10:23Z"
"timestamp": "2022-02-12T14:10:23Z"
"meta": [
"key": "ASNNumber",
"value": "15169"
"key": "ASNOrg",
"value": "Google LLC"
"key": "IsInEU",
"value": "false"
"key": "IsoCode",
"value": "US"
"key": "SourceRange",
"value": ""
"key": "datasource_path",
"value": "ssh-bf.log"
"key": "datasource_type",
"value": "file"
"key": "log_type",
"value": "ssh_failed-auth"
"key": "machine",
"value": "sd-126005"
"key": "service",
"value": "ssh"
"key": "source_ip",
"value": ""
"key": "target_user",
"value": "pascal5"
"key": "timestamp",
"value": "2022-02-12T14:10:23Z"
"timestamp": "2022-02-12T14:10:23Z"
"events_count": 6,
"labels": null,
"leakspeed": "10s",
"machine_id": "4e1c7990a4af460a9c622d2c80a856334U2v5NbKX14uQKFa",
"message": "Ip performed 'crowdsecurity/ssh-bf' (6 events over 2s) at 2022-02-12 14:10:23 +0000 UTC",
"remediation": true,
"scenario": "crowdsecurity/ssh-bf",
"scenario_hash": "4441dcff07020f6690d998b7101e642359ba405c2abb83565bbbdcee36de280f",
"scenario_version": "0.1",
"simulated": false,
"source": {
"as_name": "Google LLC",
"as_number": "15169",
"cn": "US",
"ip": "",
"latitude": 37.4192,
"longitude": -122.0574,
"range": "",
"scope": "Ip",
"value": ""
"start_at": "2022-02-12T14:10:21Z",
"stop_at": "2022-02-12T14:10:23Z"

Usage examples

Convert the whole list to JSON format:

{{ .|toJson }}

Extract all the decisions in the alerts list

{{ range . }}
{{ range .Decisions }}
{{ .Value }} has performed {{.Scenario}} and has received "{{.Type}}" for {{.Duration}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Extract the meta associated with the alerts

{{ range .}}
{{.Source.Value}} has performed {{.Scenario}} (meta : {{range .Events}} {{range .Meta}} {{.Key}} : {{.Value}} | {{end}} -- {{ end }})
{{ end }}

Debugging notifications plugins

cscli tool provide some useful command to help write notification plugin configuration. Those are provided by the cscli notifications command and its subcommands.

listList all notification plugins and their status
inspectGet configuration information for a notification plugin
testTest the configuration by sending a generic alert directly to notification plugin
reinjectReinject an Alert to the profiles pipeline to simulate real processing of an Alert

Please note the difference between reinject and test, reinject will send the alert to the profiles pipeline and then to the notification plugin that is active on the matched profile, while test will send the alert directly to the notification plugin no matter if the plugin is active or defined within a profile.