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Time Helpers

TimeNow() string

Return RFC3339 formatted time


ParseUnix(unix string) string

ParseUnix("1672239773.3590894") -> "2022-12-28T15:02:53Z"
ParseUnix("1672239773") -> "2022-12-28T15:02:53Z"
ParseUnix("notatimestamp") -> ""

Parses unix timestamp string and returns RFC3339 formatted time

Stash Helpers

GetFromStash(cache string, key string)

GetFromStash retrieves the value for key in the named cache. The cache are usually populated by parser's stash section. An empty string if the key doesn't exist (or has been evicted), and error is raised if the cache doesn't exist.


IsIPV4(ip string) bool

Returns true if it's a valid IPv4.



IsIP(ip string) bool

Returns true if it's a valid IP (v4 or v6).




GetDecisionsCount(value string) int

Returns the number of existing decisions in the database with the same value. This can return expired decisions if they have not been flushed yet.



GetDecisionsSinceCount(value string, since string) int

Returns the number of existing decisions in the database with the same value since duration string (valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".). This can return expired decisions if they have not been flushed yet.

GetDecisionsSinceCount("", "7h")

GetDecisionsSinceCount(Alert.GetValue(), "30min")

GetActiveDecisionsCount(value string) int

Returns the number of active decisions in the database with the same value.


GetActiveDecisionsTimeLeft(value string) time.Duration

Returns the time left for the longest decision associated with the value.

The returned value type is time.Duration, so you can use all the time.Duration methods.


`GetActiveDecisionsTimeLeft(Alert.GetValue()).Hours() > 1"

KeyExists(key string, map map[string]interface{}) bool

Return true if the key exists in the map.

Get(arr []string, index int) string

Returns the index'th entry of arr, or "".

Distance(lat1 string, long1 string, lat2 string, long2 string) float64

Computes the distance in kilometers between the set of coordinates represented by lat1/long1 and lat2/long2. Designed to implement impossible travel and similar scenarios:

type: conditional
name: demo/impossible-travel
description: "test"
filter: "evt.Meta.log_type == 'fake_ok'"
groupby: evt.Meta.user
capacity: -1
condition: |
len(queue.Queue) >= 2
and Distance(queue.Queue[-1].Enriched.Latitude, queue.Queue[-1].Enriched.Longitude,
queue.Queue[-2].Enriched.Latitude, queue.Queue[-2].Enriched.Longitude) > 100
leakspeed: 3h
type: fraud


  • Will return 0 if either set of coordinates is nil (ie. IP couldn't be geoloc)
  • Assumes that the earth is spherical and uses the haversine formula.

Hostname() string

Returns the hostname of the machine.

Alert specific helpers

Alert.Remediation bool

Is true if the alert asks for a remediation. Will be true for alerts from scenarios with remediation: true flag. Will be false for alerts from manual cscli decisions add commands (as they come with their own decision).

Alert.GetScenario() string

Returns the name of the scenario that triggered the alert.

Alert.GetScope() string

Returns the scope of an alert. Most common value is Ip. Country and As are generally used for more distributed attacks detection/remediation.

Alert.GetValue() string

Returns the value of an alert. field value of a Source, most common value can be a IPv4, IPv6 or other if the Scope is different than Ip.

Alert.GetSources() []string

Return the list of IP addresses in the alert sources.

Alert.GetEventsCount() int32

Return the number of events in the bucket.